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$length) { $string = wordwrap($string, $length); $string = $mb? mb_substr($string, 0, mb_strpos($string, "\n")) : substr($string, 0, strpos($string, "\n")); } return $string; } function clip_string($string, $pos, $length, $total) { global $mb; if($length) { $m = $mb ? mb_substr($string, $pos, $length) : substr($string, $pos, $length); $before = $mb ? mb_substr($string, 0, $pos) : substr($string, 0, $pos); $after = $mb ? mb_substr($string, $pos + $length, mb_strlen($string) - ($pos + $length)) : substr($string, $pos + $length, strlen($string) - ($pos + $length)); $before = rev_string($before); if($total < strlen($string)) { $half = intval(($total - $length) / 2); } else { $half = $total; } $hlPre = ''; $hlPost = ''; $out = htmlentities(rev_string(word_trunc($before, $half))) . $hlPre . htmlentities($m) . $hlPost . htmlentities(word_trunc($after, $half)); return $out; } else { return htmlentities(word_trunc($string, $total)); } } if(count($searchResults) == 0) { $result = '



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avancon conveyor roller


Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

Leonardo Da Vinci

best conveyor roller concept made of polyamid

These avancon Roller- Corpus are made of pure Polyamide in a medium gray color. As alternatively they can be made with soft tires of Polyurethane for sensitive applications or for reducing noise or for up and down transportation (instead of belts conveyors)

These avancon Conveyor-Rollers are available with rips inside the bores of 15 mm diameter to provide a firm connection to the rotating spindle (fixed drive), which generally has 3 notches.

Alternatively, these avancon Conveyor-Rollers are made with a round bore, which are loose on the spindle and work like friction drive-rollers.

These rollers are partly used as well for curves (instead of tapered rollers) in combination to fix drive rollers or in applications, which require low pressure accumulation.

These are also sometimes used for curves (instead of conical rollers) or in applications that require low dynamic pressure. The avancon conveyor rollers with softer polyurethane tires also drastically reduce noise.

In addition you have the various portable avancon conveyor-elements, as single rollers, or as other roller-combinations (see Rollers), rollers for special applications with rings outside, full width rollers in form of "multiblock-rollers" or ZPC-belt system.

convesor rollers of avancon with various tires of Polyurethane
no Pvc

Most of our Products can be recycled. We do not use PVC or Soft-PVC, because it is toxic in case of fire and very dangerous.

avancon offers the most secure Conveyor Concept, because all drives and electronic elements are hidden inside the closed frame.

The incomparable design of avancon is the closed frame construction made of anodized aluminium. It provides torsional rigidity with its internal ribs, which at the same time allow all elements to engage easily.

This is absolutely safe, no further protection is required (e.g. finger protection for each roller, etc.).


The drive system in the closed frame drives the axles together with the rollers in each zone.

The precision ball bearings are used differently than usual. The outer ring is fixed in its snapped-in housing, while the inner ring rotates with the spindle. This is the best solution because it prevents the balls from running over only one part of the inner ring. The bearings in the avancon ZPC concept therefore last much longer.

explosion of avancon drive system , easy controlled conveyor system, intralogistics solutions, new technology intralogistics, modular conveyor technology


Mr. Park (Avancon Asia) presented the Avancon Roller Concept.

You get a high degree of flexibility when using the avancon Roller Corpus Concepts, with or without spacers, in different positions. Depending on the base and form of the boxes you can save a lot of money by choosing the appropriate roller combination.

You can transport both large goods and small ones with a length of only 120 mm at a pitch of 40 mm, without having to change the rollers to a smaller diameter.

For lateral movement from one to the other conveyor line these avancon roller-corpus are ideally suited, because they are highly abrasive and have very high sliding properties. (In contrast to galvanized steel rollers) and very smooth rounding on both sides. 

For further information check the video The avancon conveyor picking-Line application:

These avancon conveyor rollers are available for fixed drive and friction drive, which are used for curves - instead of conical rollers - and with low dynamic pressure and in gravity conveyors. All roller bodies can be supplied in special polyamide or with polyurethane tyres in 70° Shore in the same combination.

variation of conveyor rollers combinations

This is the complete avancon conveyor roller with the special spindle, which turns. 

All the roller combinations shown above are possible on this spindle. The roller corpus are made of Polyamide, abrasive, gliding and do not wear out. They are easy to be cleaned and keep their color for ever.

roller spinde avancon

Alternatively, these avancon Roller corpus are available of Polyamide with soft tires of Polyurethane 70° shore. Also this material is abrasive, gliding and do not wear out. (As the wheels of inline-skaters or forklift trucks.)

(like belt material), also for up- and down transport-

roller with rips

Nature/Bionics inspired us, when we designed this robust Roller Corpus with rips inside



Via Campagna 27

CH-6595 Riazzino /Switzerland
+41 (0)91 222 10 10  - relations@avancon.com

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