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application of OTU in a large system
$length) { $string = wordwrap($string, $length); $string = $mb? mb_substr($string, 0, mb_strpos($string, "\n")) : substr($string, 0, strpos($string, "\n")); } return $string; } function clip_string($string, $pos, $length, $total) { global $mb; if($length) { $m = $mb ? mb_substr($string, $pos, $length) : substr($string, $pos, $length); $before = $mb ? mb_substr($string, 0, $pos) : substr($string, 0, $pos); $after = $mb ? mb_substr($string, $pos + $length, mb_strlen($string) - ($pos + $length)) : substr($string, $pos + $length, strlen($string) - ($pos + $length)); $before = rev_string($before); if($total < strlen($string)) { $half = intval(($total - $length) / 2); } else { $half = $total; } $hlPre = ''; $hlPost = ''; $out = htmlentities(rev_string(word_trunc($before, $half))) . $hlPre . htmlentities($m) . $hlPost . htmlentities(word_trunc($after, $half)); return $out; } else { return htmlentities(word_trunc($string, $total)); } } if(count($searchResults) == 0) { $result = '



'; $result = str_replace('{title}', htmlentities('Nessun risultato'), $result); $result = str_replace('{text}', '', $result); echo $result; } else { echo ''; foreach($searchResults as $searchResult) { $result = '



'; $result = str_replace('{title}', '' . $searchResult['title'] . '', $result); $text = ""; foreach($searchResult['snippets'] as $s) { $pos = $s['pos']; $m = $s['matchlen']; $snippet = clip_string($s['text'], $pos, $m, $s['snip']); if(strlen($text)) $text .= " … "; $text .= " " . $snippet; } $result = str_replace('{text}', $text, $result); echo $result; } } ?>

OTU References

worldwide in most Industries

Multindistribution and Picking station in a Warehouse. Italy

Multindistribution and Picking station in a Warehouse.


Picking station  in a Warehouse at a high bay storage for totes. Italy

Picking station  in a Warehouse at a high bay storage for totes.


Picking station in a Warehouse. Italy with avancon OTUs

Picking station in a Warehouse.

Italy with avancon OTUs

Sideways transport with OTUs.
Feeding line to a sorter. India
Distribution Conveyor System in front of an automatic storage Italy

Sideways transport with OTUs. 

Feeding line to a sorter.


Distribution conveyor system as part of an automatic ASRS storage system


Transfer table in an Up- and Down transport. Switzerland
OTU tables for distribution into several directions. Italy
OTU turning table  in a distribution system. North Italy

Transfer units per floor in an up and down transport on avancon roller conveyors.


OTU tables for distribution into several directions.


OTU turning table  in a distribution system.

North Italy

Transfer from one line to a parallel line. South Korea
Several OTU Tables for different destinations in a retro-logistics system. South Korea
Shipping area in an Online Shop China

Transfer from one line to a parallel line.

South Korea

Several OTU Tables for different destinations in a retro-logistics system.

South Korea

Shipping area in an Online Shop


Sideways movement. Istanbul, Turkey
Transfer in an Order Picking area. South Korea
OTU tables as Sorter for different destinations in a shipping area of a cosmetics distributor. China

Sideways movement.

Istanbul, Turkey

Transfer in an Order Picking area.

South Korea

OTU tables as Sorter for different destinations in a shipping area of a cosmetics distributor.


Sorter with OTU for Samsung  Smartphones and carton boxes. South Korea
Multi Batch picking with many OTU tables  full-automatic. South Korea
„Blitz“ Sorter for small packs/large letters in Postal-applications. China

Sorter with OTU for Samsung 

Smartphones and carton boxes.

South Korea

Multi Batch picking with many OTU tables 


South Korea

„Blitz“ Sorter for small packs/large letters in Postal-applications.


Sorter in an Online Shop India
Demo and Seminar center of FL logistics. China
Demo Installation at,Shanghai fair, by Galaxis. China

Sorter in an Online Shop


Demo and Seminar center of FL logistics.


Demo Installation at,Shanghai fair, by Galaxis.


Sorter in a customer construction China
Picking station in front of a high paternoster storage. Switzerland
OTU Tables in distribution center in  Istanbul, Turkey

Sorter in a customer construction


Picking station in front of a high paternoster storage.


OTU Tables in distribution center in 

Istanbul, Turkey

Sorter in dispatch of a pharmaceutics wholesaler. South Korea
OTU diverter in a demo installation Switzerland
OTU transfer at airport checkpoints  USA

Sorter in a distribution system in the dispatch department of a pharmaceutical wholesaler.

South Korea

OTU diverter in a demo installation


OTU transfer at airport checkpoints 




Via Campagna 27

CH-6595 Riazzino /Switzerland
+41 (0)91 222 10 10  - relations@avancon.com

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