Avancon logo
Avancon company
$length) { $string = wordwrap($string, $length); $string = $mb? mb_substr($string, 0, mb_strpos($string, "\n")) : substr($string, 0, strpos($string, "\n")); } return $string; } function clip_string($string, $pos, $length, $total) { global $mb; if($length) { $m = $mb ? mb_substr($string, $pos, $length) : substr($string, $pos, $length); $before = $mb ? mb_substr($string, 0, $pos) : substr($string, 0, $pos); $after = $mb ? mb_substr($string, $pos + $length, mb_strlen($string) - ($pos + $length)) : substr($string, $pos + $length, strlen($string) - ($pos + $length)); $before = rev_string($before); if($total < strlen($string)) { $half = intval(($total - $length) / 2); } else { $half = $total; } $hlPre = ''; $hlPost = ''; $out = htmlentities(rev_string(word_trunc($before, $half))) . $hlPre . htmlentities($m) . $hlPost . htmlentities(word_trunc($after, $half)); return $out; } else { return htmlentities(word_trunc($string, $total)); } } if(count($searchResults) == 0) { $result = '



'; $result = str_replace('{title}', htmlentities('Nessun risultato'), $result); $result = str_replace('{text}', '', $result); echo $result; } else { echo ''; foreach($searchResults as $searchResult) { $result = '



'; $result = str_replace('{title}', '' . $searchResult['title'] . '', $result); $text = ""; foreach($searchResult['snippets'] as $s) { $pos = $s['pos']; $m = $s['matchlen']; $snippet = clip_string($s['text'], $pos, $m, $s['snip']); if(strlen($text)) $text .= " … "; $text .= " " . $snippet; } $result = str_replace('{text}', $text, $result); echo $result; } } ?>

About us

The story of Avancon


We want YOU to be successful in providing your customers with the most modern and advanced conveyor solution on the market. 

We are your external workbench.

We are your R&D Team.

Use our patents from our continuous improvements – for free.

We are your sales support team.

We help you with your project inquiries.

We are your training department. 

We train and empower you to take care of your service business.

You can brand our conveyor as yours (Private Label).

Your new and modern conveyor line designed to impress your customers.

About us

avancon SA is a private limited company under Swiss law. It was founded in 2015 in Switzerland / Canton Ticino.

avancon is a recognized leader in providing modern and innovative conveying solutions that focus on simplicity, efficiency and reliability. With a comprehensive range of conveyor concepts for systems in various industries, avancon aims to reshape the conveyor market and optimize productivity while reducing investment and operating costs. avancon's products are available through conveyor manufacturers or integrators.

In addition, avancon SA develops and supplies unique elements for modern conveyor systems for selected OEM partners. 

Small and large conveyor systems and internal logistics systems and in airports checkpoints for hand luggage have already been installed in many countries around the world.

avancon products are becoming increasingly popular and their use is growing rapidly.

avancon products can only be purchased by conveyor manufacturers or system integrators. 

In addition, large and selected conveyor system manufacturers can produce avancon products themselves as part of a license partnership.


Dieter Specht is the initiator and cofounder of avancon SA, serving as president of the board and main shareholder.

As CEO of Interroll-Group, which he founded in 1959, Specht invented the first viable polymer conveyor roller and obtained 28 patents, laying the foundation for Interroll’s success. He prioritized product design, ensuring no new product launched without his redesign. Under his leadership, Interroll grew from a 2-man start-up to a publicly traded company on the SIX Swiss Exchange in 1997, with 1500 employees then and over 2600 employees across more than 30 subsidiaries worldwide today.

After 40 years at Interroll, Specht left in 2000 to pursue art, photography, video, design, and management consulting, demonstrating his ability to develop high-quality, efficient products for conveyor technology. His new ZPC and OTU conveyor concepts, along with 10 different profile design variations, hold 12 patents in industrialized countries.

avancon SA acquired these patents and designs, offering logistics integrators worldwide advanced solutions. 

Dieter Specht founder of Avancon

We invite you to visit us in Riazzino, Ticino/Southern Switzerland and see our demo installation. We will explain to you the values, the application and the ease of production and the cost savings in assembly and installation that you would get in a partnership with us - and at the same time you will get an impression of our very beautiful landscape around the “Lago Maggiore

avancon panorama


Via Campagna 27

CH-6595 Riazzino /Switzerland
+41 (0)91 222 10 10  - relations@avancon.com

© 2024 All Rights Reserved | AVANCON SA

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