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energy savings
$length) { $string = wordwrap($string, $length); $string = $mb? mb_substr($string, 0, mb_strpos($string, "\n")) : substr($string, 0, strpos($string, "\n")); } return $string; } function clip_string($string, $pos, $length, $total) { global $mb; if($length) { $m = $mb ? mb_substr($string, $pos, $length) : substr($string, $pos, $length); $before = $mb ? mb_substr($string, 0, $pos) : substr($string, 0, $pos); $after = $mb ? mb_substr($string, $pos + $length, mb_strlen($string) - ($pos + $length)) : substr($string, $pos + $length, strlen($string) - ($pos + $length)); $before = rev_string($before); if($total < strlen($string)) { $half = intval(($total - $length) / 2); } else { $half = $total; } $hlPre = ''; $hlPost = ''; $out = htmlentities(rev_string(word_trunc($before, $half))) . $hlPre . htmlentities($m) . $hlPost . htmlentities(word_trunc($after, $half)); return $out; } else { return htmlentities(word_trunc($string, $total)); } } if(count($searchResults) == 0) { $result = '



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Energy saving

Avancon’s conveyors save 30% to 84% Energy

ZPC’ stands for “Zone Powered Concept”. This is a modern roller and belt conveyor system that enables fast transport throughout the entire internal logistics process. We build all our conveyors in zones as standard, which automatically results in ‘zero pressure accumulation’ (ZPA) at every point where stopping and accumulation is required. Because the whole system is built this way, it also saves a lot of energy.

It is designed as standard for smooth and fast transport, but not just for ‘jamming’. The avancon ZPC conveying concept is controlled by the avancon ZPC Control System. Based on the ASi field bus, it operates at a nominal 30.5 V and the BLDC motors require 48 V at 40 watts.

energy savings conveyor technology, zeropressure accumulation principal

If only a single conveyed good is to be transported on a traditional conveyor, which is very often the case, a 500 to 1’000 watt (0.5 to 1 KW) motor ismostly fully in operation, regardless of how long the conveyor is.

With the avancon ZPC-Concept only 2x40 watts = 80 watts are required, a saving of min. 420 watts = 84% of a 500 Watt motor!

This is because avancon ZPC supplies each zone separately with power only at the moment when something needs to be transported on this zone. If the zone in front is occupied, it stops and consumes no energy; if the zone in front is empty, it transports at 0.3 up tp 1.5 m/s to the front zone. The avancon ZPC concept thus saves up to 30 % energy in normal operation.

If 5 zones in front of it are empty, it transports continuously at five times the max. speed (1.5 ms) to and over the zones in front of it... and so on.
However, this higher speed must be slowed down gently and automatically and must not hit the goods in front. (Just like you brake your car in front of a wall).

This is why the avancon ZPC concept always starts and stops gently. During transport, there is of course a gap of one zone length between the goods to be transported. This is similar to and stop.

This means that if there is already a load in front, it accumulates without pressure and does not touch the load in front of it. 

While unpressurised accumulation systems are usually used in front of a work station, an intersection or at the end because these systems are more expensive than purely driven systems, avancon always uses this principle for all conveyors.

This modern avancon conveyor concept has ten patents in most industrialised countries.

saving energy efficency betweet 70-80%


Via Campagna 27

CH-6595 Riazzino /Switzerland
Phone:  +41 (0)91 222 10 10 -

E-mail:  relations@avancon.com

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