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Everything is hidden in the frame profile 

The avancon conveyor is safe, protected, clean, modern and very aesthetic ...

modern avancon ZPC - "Zone Powered Conveyor" system generaly with zero pressure accumulation.

It is patented in most industrialized countires worldwide

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Yes, this design is avant-garde!“

Authentic statement of a new customer

This modern avancon ZPC - "Zone Powered Conveyor" system is totally different.

It is full of new and innovative ideas. Six Patents have been registered in most industrialized countries worldwide.

The concept functions fully autonomously. It is equipped with new developed avancon conveyor-roller-concept and combinations.

The new separated drive system and all avancon electronic controls are inside the closed frame.

The sleek contours of the avancon frame platform made of anodized aluminum combine modern aesthetic perception with high stability and torsion stiffness and look avant-garde in all aspects. 

Nothing sticks out, not even a screw head. Your operators who stand or walk along the avancon conveyor cannot be injured.

Avancon conveyor systems are  clean, are protected, are secure, are easy to open and to maintain and their fits to your modern machine centers and architecture.

The whole frame construction is made of anodized Aluminum., which feels like silk!

All avancon elements, as bearing-housings, photo sensors, electronic control boxes etcetera are only snapped-in, no screws, no other fixations, no tools are necessary to assemble or disassemble the parts. It comes with alll cables just snapped into their places, guided in the patented rips of the profiles. - 

There is  no “spaghetti syndrome” of cables - a very easy, clean and patented design for all Intra-Logistics applications.

On site you save a lot of costs and time!

(See Platform)

Authentic statement of a new customer

conveyor distribution, ZPC-Roller-Conveyor, OTU-Omni-direcrtional Transfer Units ditribution line, avancon roller-conveyor system in logistics

„Design is where science and art break even.“

                                                                                                                                                          Robin Mathew



Via Campagna 27

CH-6595 Riazzino /Switzerland

phone: +41 (0)91 222 10 10

e-mail: relations(at)avancon.com


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